

If your child is absent please contact the Attendance Office
Student Absences
SMS / TEXT: 07984439041
VOICEMAIL: 08449842602

How to find us:

Southchurch High School
Southchurch Boulevard
Tel: 01702 900777 

Send us a message by emailing:          info@southchurchschool.com

Chair of Governors: Mr John Grover
Headteacher: Mrs Tracy Airoll
Office Manager: Mrs Dawn Clark
SENDCO: Mrs Ashley Grover
Enquiries : Mrs Dawn Clark

Paper copies of information on the website are available on request.

Head of Year contacts:

Head of Year 7 - Mr Stewart Biggie - sbiggie@southchurchschool.com
Head of Year 8 - Mrs Lauren Pearman - lpearman@southchurchschool.com
Head of Year 9 - Miss Tina Atkinson - tatkinson@southchurchschool.com
Head of Year 10 - Miss Nikki Stockman - nstockman@southchurchschool.com
Head of Year 11 - Miss Madison Townley - mtownley@southchurchschool.com

Deputies Clinic
Mrs L Miller and Miss S Murray

If you are a parent or carer and have any issue or query that we can help you with, however large or small, then please do not hesitate in contacting us. 
We offer surgeries by appointment, and if you would like to schedule one, please email or call the school; deputiesclinic@southchurchschool.com or 01702 900777

Academy Trust
Partnership Learning. Parsloes Avenue, Dagenham, RM9 5QS. Tel: 02039092333 Email: office@partnershiplearning.com

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