
Popular playground closed due to structural issues bbc.in/3qnOIvo

About a year ago from BBC Education's Twitter via SocialFlow


Click on the image above, to listen to Mrs Airoll tell you the weekly school news

International School Award

We are very proud to have been awarded Foundation level of the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of our work to bring the world into the classroom. The International School Award celebrates the achievements of schools that do exceptional work in international education. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need for life and work in today’s world.

You Spoke, We Listened

  • We want ARC (Ask, Remind, Consequence) to be more consistent. Student voice said there is a greater consistency with ARC but this will always be at the forefront of our minds and training continues.
  • We have increased the time for you to get to lessons; far fewer students are now late.
  • You want more educational visits and they are now being planned in abundance.
  • We are appointing a Student Principal and forming a Student Council.
  • You are taking part in more and more student voice sessions so you can tell us what you think of our school. 
  • Year 11 wanted Saturday interventions; these are happening at least fortnightly.
  • You were concerned about bullying. QR codes are now in place. ‘United Against Bullying’ training has been carried out for staff. Student training is planned for 7 March and parent training for 13 March. The school community will share a common language to identify and combat bullying.



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